T. Lynette Yankson

Injonga Primary School - South Aftrica

New Release
Papa The Popular Printer
“Papa the Popular Printer” is an extraordinary nonfiction story about protagonist James Henry Forniss, aka JH and Papa Forniss. He evolves from a young man as a shoe shiner, to become a successful Professional Printer, akin to today's Information Technologist or “IT” person. His ingenious transformation was rare, especially for a “colored man” in the south during post slavery 20th Century era.

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Lynette Yankson's, "Papa the Popular Printer" is a gem of personal family history. Her papa's story is a reflection of the time in which he lived, yet the lessons he learned are so relevant today. Charmingly written and beautifully illustrated, "Papa the Popular Printer" is an inspiring addition to a young child's book collection. — Danah Valeré, author of "An Apathetic Empath."
"A gem of personal family history inspiring children to be their best selves."
Praise & Reviews
James Henry Forniss story as told by Lynette Yankson in her book “Papa the Popular Printer “ is truly an extraordinary tale and a must read for anyone who has doubts about their own life path. It’s an inspiring and worthy story written by an incredible writer Lynette Yankson. This book should be in every library.
Alvin B. Munson - Author
‘A gripping childrens storytelling’
Papa the Popular Printer is a true story about a young colored boy growing
up in the deep south of Alabama. He evolves from a shoeshine boy to overcoming racial barriers, to becoming a professional printer.
The youth reader will be encouraged by his courageous actions to disrupt inequalities, dismantle racial injustices and to never give up. He goes on to become a dynamic activist whose influence shapes the development and growth of his community, and its people.
I liked the book’s colorful artwork. It engages the reader with the storyline and brings it fully to life. I would definitely recommend this five-star book, and I must add, it’s a masterpiece. Young and mature audiences will appreciate Lynette’s writing style, and the gift
she has to move the reader along with ease, word to word.
DeAnna Parks-Jones - Author
"Poppa the Popular Printer is a masterpiece highly recommended."
Papa the Popular Printer: A Journey of Innovation and Triumph
In the captivating nonfiction narrative "Papa the Popular Printer," readers are invited to embark on a remarkable journey through the life of James Henry Forniss, affectionately known as JH and Papa Forniss. Set against the backdrop of the post-slavery 20th Century South, this inspiring tale showcases the indomitable spirit and ingenuity of a man who defied societal norms and expectations to forge his own path to success.
As a young man with humble beginnings shining shoes on the bustling streets, James Henry Forniss faced the stark reality of a society rife with racial prejudice and economic disparity. Yet, his innate curiosity and hunger for knowledge drove him to discover the transformative power of the written word. As he encountered the world of printing, he realized its immense potential in disseminating information, shaping ideas, and fostering connectivity.
Against all odds, Papa Forniss embarked on a daring journey of self-education and skill acquisition. His perseverance led him to master the intricate art of printing, a field that was rapidly evolving and would soon become analogous to today's Information Technology. Papa's ability to adapt and innovate in the face of technological advancements set him apart as a pioneer in his community.
But this story isn't merely about technical prowess; it's about the people Papa Forniss touched and the lives he transformed. Through the lens of his printing press, he became a beacon of hope for fellow African Americans, demonstrating that barriers could be broken and dreams could be realized regardless of one's background. His print shop emerged as a hub of intellectual exchange, a place where ideas flowed freely and the seeds of progress were sown.
As readers delve into the pages of "Papa the Popular Printer," they will witness Papa Forniss's extraordinary evolution from shoe shiner to revered Professional Printer. They will share in his triumphs and tribulations, celebrating his victories and mourning his losses. With each turn of the page, Papa's story becomes a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities that arise when passion and purpose intersect.
Rich in historical context and brimming with emotional depth, this nonfiction narrative sheds light on a lesser-known yet vital chapter of American history. "Papa the Popular Printer" challenges conventional narratives, offering a poignant reminder that the pursuit of knowledge and the drive to create can transcend adversity and leave an indelible mark on the world.
Prepare to be captivated by a tale of innovation, determination, and the unwavering belief in the power of change. "Papa the Popular Printer" invites readers to witness the extraordinary odyssey of a man who not only printed words but also printed a legacy that would echo through generations.
About T. Lynette Yankson
Lynette Yankson was born and raised in Detroit, MI during the turbulent 1960’s and 70’s. She lived in Atlanta, GA, the “Black Mecca of the South” from 1980 until 2019. She currently resides in North Carolina, thrilled to be near her loving family especially engaging with her “beautiful, brilliant” grandchildren! She enjoys conversing, encouraging, and learning from the bright minds of youths. Her faith, family, friends and health are of utmost importance.
Growing up in northern urban America, her family looked forward to traveling south annually to visit her loving relatives in Alabama. Experiencing “life in the south” was a dramatic different life style; “a culture shock”. She enjoyed visits with the Prince’s, her paternal grandparents and relatives. However, most visits were with her maternal grandfather James Henry Forniss aka “Papa Forniss” in his elder 80”s.